


首页 > 上海星之悦浦东机场晚霞酒店


I have been staying in these hotel for the past two years. The first time, it wasnt that bad but it wasnt that great neither. Since then the hotel has done some renovations and the rooms look more modern with very comfortable beds and pillows, the linen has been upgraded as well. I think they have removed the nasty carpets in most of the rooms. The bathrooms look very clean and modern, at least in the family rooms. There used to work a front desk lady that was extremely rude and could barely speak any English but now there are working two ladies with a better attitude but still very poor English, yet they do try their best to communicate and they are way friendlier that the other one. The hotel offers a free shuttle bus to the airport. But if you come for the first time, you will have to pay for the ride to the airport, though it is not really a lot, about 15 or 20 CNY which it is nothing. For frequent guests, these shuttle bus will be free. They also give a free shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel, but I am not sure how this works. The breakfast is basically Chinese, the only Western would be coffee and toast, but no butter or jam. Overall, value for money is really good as they offer good rooms for a fair price. A similar hotel in Shanghais downtown will cost you at least double and I am not sure if you will find the same quality as this one. It is a far from Shanghai downtown but it is very close to Pudong Airport. There is a metro line nearby but definitely not walking distance. "Good pick-up service","Good value for money","Close to airport"





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  • 可盈说:
    酒店一般性,纯粹赶飞机图个方便[2018-09-02 23:04]
  • xq说:
    很一般的酒店,下次很难再选择入住[2018-08-23 19:35]
  • 会员7132说:
    去机场住的,选了很久,这家可以免费送机,回来还能接,房间很大,被子感觉潮潮的,其他都还ok,毕竟这个价位性价比绝对够了[2018-08-23 02:32]
  • 会员9697说:
    班车是个中巴,还以为是那种小面包车,担心坐不下额,司机师傅和前台人员都很客气[2018-08-15 20:40]
  • 会员0742说:
    一直住这家酒店,不错,有需要会再来[2018-08-10 22:38]
  • 会员9630说:
    距離機場車程約15分鐘,要電話聯絡詢問接機人員電話號碼,房間乾淨、早餐尚可,做為轉機旅館CP值高![2018-08-07 04:55]
  • 会员6264说:
    卫生干净,服务好,周边有饭店,大巴免费接送,去机场方便。[2018-07-31 15:36]
  • 会员5685说:
    朋友一起出游,一次订了四个房间,卫生干净整洁、最关键我们半夜3点机场集合,酒店按时把我们送到,路上20分钟,很方便,下次还选你家[2018-07-14 10:00]
  • 会员2893说:
    服务有问必答,周边小吃集中,有接送站服务。关键是离浦东机场近,方便乘坐飞机,酒店环境很不错![2018-07-05 01:30]
  • 会员1039说:
    主要接送机很方便,24小时都有[2018-07-02 00:24]
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上海星之悦浦东机场晚霞酒店(电话021-51377888) -酒店在线 粤ICP备2021174599号